Dr.Satish c- Surgical Oncologist in bangalore

Breast Reconstruction Surgery

Mastectomy is one of the common treatment options for breast cancer. For the successful management of breast cancer

Breast cancer surgery in Jayanagar | Breast Reconstruction

Breast Reconstruction Surgery


Breast cancer surgery in Jayanagar | Breast reconstruction surgery or oncoplastic surgery is a medical technique available to women who have had a lumpectomy or a full mastectomy. Breast reconstruction surgery is used to return one or both breasts to a near-normal shape, appearance, size, and symmetry

Breast cancer surgery in Jayanagar | Breast Reconstruction

More about Mastectomy

Breast reconstruction surgery can be done shortly after Breast cancer surgery in Jayanagar (immediate reconstruction) or years later (delayed reconstruction). 

  1. Flap or Natural Tissue Reconstruction: Also known as autologous breast reconstruction, flap reconstruction is a breast reconstruction procedure during which the patient’s own body tissues (blood vessels, skin tissue, fat, and muscles) are used. Tissue for reconstruction is commonly taken from the belly, but it can also come from the thighs, back, and buttocks. 

Occasionally, surgeons will shift a flap from a nearby bodily site (pedicled flap). This flap is not disconnected from its blood supply. Surgeons can also connect the flap from a different site to blood vessels in the chest after removing it from its blood supply (free flap).   

Flaps can be used for partial and complete breast reconstruction. Furthermore, flap rebuilding from the abdomen has an added advantage of fat loss in the belly area (tummy tuck).   

  1. Implant Reconstruction: Implant reconstruction is a surgical treatment in which saline or silicone implants are used to rebuild the breast. The implants may be blended with the patient’s own bodily tissues in some cases. Implants are frequently used to restore the entire breast
  2. How Does Breast Reconstruction Work? 

Breast reconstruction surgeons assess a number of variables before proposing breast reconstruction surgery, including the stage of the disease, the size of the tumor, the exact location of the tumor, and the patient’s overall health. 
 The tumor-to-breast ratio is an important parameter that surgeons take into account. Breast conservation surgery is considered instead of breast reconstruction for those individuals who have a tumor to breast ratio of less than 20%, i.e., the tumor occupies less than 20% of the breast volume. 

However, if the tumor occupies more than 20% of the total breast volume, reconstructive surgery can be considered after the tumor is removed. 

Upon thorough assessment, breast reconstruction is performed either using natural tissue or implants. 


Frequently Asked Questions

Oncoplastic surgeons, who are skilled in both breast cancer and reconstruction surgery, perform breast reconstruction surgeries. 

Only a breast reconstruction surgeon or oncoplastic surgeon can recommend the right method of reconstruction based on factors like size and the shape of the breast that is to be rebuilt, availability of flap, disease stage, your overall health status, etc. 

The length of time it takes to complete the procedure is also determined by the type of reconstruction surgery being conducted. Preparation for the reconstruction procedure, including anesthesia, could take up to two hours. This procedure may take about 1 to 6 hours.  

  • Breast reconstruction can restore proportion, balance, and feminine contour.
  • It helps patients regain their self-esteem and confidence.
  • This procedure delivers safe and permanent results
  • It may also result in fat loss in the belly region.

The risk of cancer recurrence is unaffected by breast reconstruction surgery. 


Infection wound healing issues, changes in sensation, partial or complete flap loss, implant extrusion, and herniation in donor sites are the possible side effects of breast reconstruction surgery. 


Dr. Satish C is one of the best breast cancer surgeons in Bangalore, and he also has vast experience as a breast reconstruction surgeon or oncoplastic surgeon.